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Hottest days of year in forecast

Expect temps to top 100 degrees here

DAVENPORT - Get ready for the heat.

The National Weather Service is forecasting the hottest days of the year, so far, will hit this weekend across Lincoln County and much of Eastern Washington. As a result, an excessive heat warning was issued by the agency.

The warning extends from noon Saturday to 10 p.m. Tuesday.

"Dangerously hot conditions during the day, with little relief overnight," the warning said. "Highs will be in the 90s to 100s."

All of Lincoln, Adams, Whitman, Grant, Franklin, Benton and Douglas counties are included in the warning.

The National Weather Service is predicting the daytime high will rise daily, from 92 on Friday to 94 Saturday, 96 Sunday, 99 Monday and 101 on Tuesday. Overnight temps will state in the mid- to upper-60s during the heat wave.

And its going to be hotter in Odessa, with daytime his of 96 on Friday, 98 Saturday, 99 Sunday, 103 Monday and 104 on Tuesday.

The hottest temperatures in the state are expected to be recorded in the Hanford area, where the coolest day will log in at a blistering 103 degrees on Friday, rising to about 108 degrees by Tuesday.

The daytimes highs are expected to approach record temperatures, meteorologists said.

With the excessive heat, officials suggest drinking plenty of water, staying in air-conditioned rooms and avoiding outdoor activities.

Author Bio

Roger Harnack, Publisher

Author photo

Roger Harnack is the co-owner/publisher of Free Press Publishing. Having grown up Benton City, Roger is an award-winning journalist, photographer, editor and publisher. He's one of only two editorial/commentary writers from Washington state to ever receive the international Golden Quill. Roger is dedicated to the preservation of local media, and the voice it retains for Eastern Washington.


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