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Looking Back

100 years ago

J. C. Michaelson of Odessa received a number of cuts about the face and arms Sunday evening when a Ford car driven by AL Brooks of Odessa ran into an eastbound Central Washington freight train where the railroad tracks crosses the railroad tracks in Davenport.

The Irby Warehouse & Elevator Co. elevator at Irby, together with 10,000 bushels of wheat was destroyed by fire Tuesday night. The flames are believed to have originated from a Great Northern freight train locomotive. The wheat is estimated as being worth $10,000 and the value of the elevator is about the same. There was no insurance on the building nor the wheat.

Four Odessa people had the narrowest kind of escape from death when their automobile collided with a train in Davenport. The fact that the train was moving very slow contributed to the minor injuries.

75 years ago

A grass fire on the outskirts of Harrington flared up three times in nine hours. The fire burned a chicken coop belonging to Bob Timm but was controlled before it reached the house.

The Clinton Auto Court in Reardan was robbed at gunpoint the thieves escaped with $3 and a tank full of gas before being quickly apprehended by the State Patrol between Edwall and Sprague.

Dump trucks will be needed to help at Davenport’s Community Memorial Hall, to help haul backfill. The footings are finished and the foundation will be completed soon.

50 years ago

A burglar broke a window with a rock at Brooks Drug over the holiday. The Thief took about 1000 sleeping pills but didn’t take the money from the cash register or any other merchandise.

Harrington school District is considering reorganizing their Kindergarten program. The potential students for this program is 8 according to the most recent census. Parents of potential students are encouraged to contact the school.

Odessa Farming Service flew members of Scout Troop 784 into the Bitterroot Wilderness area during a camping trip to the Kamiah area. Following the flight the troop hiked to a lake planning on fishing but encountered 6 feet of snow.

25 years ago

The Downtown Revitalization and Beatification committee of Odessa is looking at several different funding options as well as other communities that have recently completed similar projects as models of what could be done to make downtown more appealing.

Plans for the upcoming Pioneer Days celebration include the 5th edition of the “Life on the Davenport” game, chalk art contest, Church in the Park, Street dance and Mud Bogs. Sheriff Coley says to be sure to wear your Pioneer Days button or risk being thrown in Jail.

Davenport’s City government will have a number of seats on the fall ballot. The Election Filing period is set to open next week. A number of other city, town, school district and junior taxing district board positions come up for election this fall as well.

10 years ago

Two finalists to replace Tom Platt as WSU Extension’s northeast regional livestock specialist are scheduled for visits in Davenport. Community members are invited to meet them and participate in the selection process.

Lincoln County’s new health officer will be Dr Ralph Monteagudo. Dr “Monte” as he is known in the area was chosen from three candidates by the county commissioners.

Odessa School District had four employees retire at the end the recently completed school year. Combined these staff members had over 100 years of service to the school and community.


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