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Looking Back

100 years ago

Three car loads of gypsies visited Davenport, but before the gypsies could spread around the main street as they usually do, they were run out of town by members of the sheriff’s force. This is the first group of gypsies to visit Davenport this year.

The First National Bank of Harrington closed its doors by order of the directors, pending an examination by Federal bank examiners. The bank officers had no statement to make other than to say they had sent to San Francisco for an examiner. The examiner arrived and went over the bank’s affairs but no further statement was made.

Heavy buying hoisted wheat another five cents at Chicago and brought the price at Odessa up to $1.22 for Bluestem and Baart which smashed all price records for the season.

75 years ago

The first million bushels of the year’s crop have been brought to the Odessa Union Warehouse and another million is expected this coming week.

A trio of automobile robberies took place in Davenport according to the Sheriff’s office. Two of the cars robbed were parked outside the State highway garages and the third was parked in front of a home.

Nearly 200 openings for both veterans and non-veterans now exist at the U. S. Naval Air Station at Geiger Field. Men can sign up for duty that consists of one weekend a month. Minimum pay for this is $10 per weekend.

50 years ago

September 10th has been set aside at Expo 74 as Odessa Day. The mayor will be in attendance, and the Oom Pas and Mas and Stanley Wraspir’s band will perform. The City and Chamber of Commerce worked together to make arrangements for this opportunity to promote Deutschesfest.

“Bareness” is the hot topic of the moment. Davenport’s Walt Kik was informed he could no longer shop in the local grocery store without a shirt. The topic dominated the city council meeting and the idea of a ordinance concerning a ‘sanitation law’ was discussed. Mayor Darling was quoted as saying for now it will be left to individual merchants to establish and enforce their own policies.

Sally Ott, recent Davenport High graduate, was named 1974 Lincoln County Fair Queen at a recent pageant. Ott was chosen from 8 girls representing each of the county’s communities.

25 years ago

A severe storm hit the Davenport area on Saturday resulting in crop damage, a flying barn roof and some very wet guests at an outdoor wedding. Rain totals in Davenport averaged .05of an inch while a reading of .42 inches was recorded in the Rocklyn area.

Rhonda Case, operator of the Ranch Haus Lounge in Odessa was released on bond following her arrest on charges of using and selling controlled substances in the lounge as well as being intoxicated and consuming liquor while on duty.

Harrington farmers, Karl and Lexie Kupers, established a performance based trust to benefit Washington State University’s Wilke Research and Extension Farm near Davenport. This trust could provide up to $13,500 a year for the next 15 years. The Kupers’ are hoping that these funds can help with the important research being done regarding no-till practices.

10 years ago

Harrington School District has narrowed it’s search to 3 potential candidates for a new principal. Patrons are invited to participate in interviews. The 3 candidates will be circulating through hour long sessions with community members, faculty and staff and the school board. Superintendent Perry said the Board hopes to have reached a decision by next week.

The USDA Farm Service Agency is looking for candidates for upcoming farmer and rancher elected nominations. Those elected will bring local knowledge of farming practices, prices and conditions to programs.

All employees of TransMessis Columbia Plateau Biodiesel plant were laid off and given standby status. Market conditions forced the plant to suspend operations while a capacity expansion takes place. Employees are expected to be called back to work in six weeks.


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