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Odessa school board approves contracts

Upcoming projects discussed

ODESSA — The Odessa School District No. 105 Board of Directors convened for its regular meeting Wednesday, June 26, in the high school library, preceded by a workshop to discuss board membership.

During the meeting, the board approved the addition of a new business item regarding a teacher misassignment for HaLee Walter in Ag Science.

The consent agenda, which included minutes from previous meetings, payroll, and warrants totaling over $323,000, was also approved.

Several personnel resignations, including those of Kelsey Scrupps, Lindsy Starkel, Laura Caler, and Megan Walter, were also included.

Operations Supervisor Justin Parr updated the board on the new camera system installation and ongoing maintenance projects. Fisk’s financial report for May showed an unassigned fund balance of $959,658.94.

Contracts and bonuses were approved for Kristen Sebesta (National Board-Certified Teacher Bonus), Cori Kane (2024-2025 Athletic Director and K-12 Principal contracts), and Steve Fisk (2024-2027 Superintendent contract). The board also approved a teacher misassignment for HaLee Walter to teach Ag Science to the 8th-grade class.

An executive session was held to review the school district’s superintendent’s performance, but no action was taken.

Any action in regard to the superintendent’s would have to be taken in a public meeting, including any contract review, salary change or disciplinary action.

The meeting adjourned at 7:34 p.m.

The next regular board meeting will follow the annual budget hearing on Wednesday, July 24, in the high school library.


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