Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Looking Back

100 years ago

A Census of the number of cars that pass over the various state highways in Lincoln County will be taken. No census has been taken for the last couple of years on account of a lack of funds, but the state highway dept. decided that a census would be taken this year.

H.L. (Doc) Campbell completed a deal whereby Thomas Stockstill, manager of the Texas Oil company plant here, will take over Mr. Campbell’s service station on Morgan Street. Mr. Campbell has been called home to Tennessee to help the family out during the illness of his mother and his brother.

75 years ago

With harvest in full-swing, Davenport stores and businesses have decided to remain open until 8:00 p.m. on Saturdays to accommodate those that cannot shop during the regular hours.

Reardan Grain Growers held their annual stockholders meeting at the American Legion Hall. President Arthur Eigleo gave a report on the last years’ business. Dividends for the 4th quarter of the previous year and the first 3 quarters of the current year were issued.

50 years ago

A 17 year-old Harrington boy was turned over to the county juvenile officer after he entered the Harrington Drug Store, after hours, through an open transom window. Store owner Art Tyrell discovered the youth when he returned to close the window around 11:30 p.m.

175 folks attended a twilight tour of the Les Moos farm. The tour honored the Moos family as Davenport-Reardan Soil Conservationists of the year. The tour was guided by Lenn Dompier, SCS Supervisor and Mr. Moos.

25 years ago

Operation Safe Road, a month long focus in the Odessa Area was conducted by the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office in conjunction with the Washington State Patrol and the Odessa Police Department. 81 stops were made resulting in 41 warnings and 48 infractions.

Fred Springer, Vocational Agriculture teacher at Reardan High School retired after 32 years. Springer received a standing ovation from the 350 plus people in attendance. Retiring was tough for Springer, who invested so much of himself into his work.

10 years ago

Justin Bradford was selected by the Harrington School Board of Directors to be the new Principal. Bradford leaves a position with The Cheney School District to come to Harrington. He is looking forward to becoming part of the community.

Mick Tareski and Bill Reinbold were the last to bowl a game at the local bowling alley which is closing after 63 years. In its history, is has been known as Lincoln Lanes, Berry Bowl, Bill and Jean’s Last Stand and most recently, Davenport Lanes.


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