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Public Notice

Davenport School District #207

Public Notice

The Davenport School District #207, Lincoln County, Washington, has completed preparation of a budget for fiscal year 2024-25 and a four-year budget plan.  The completed budget and a summary of the four-year budget plan are on file in the school district administration office located at 801 7th Street, Davenport, WA. A copy of the budget and summary of the four-year budget summary will be furnished to any person at the above address and will also be posted on the district’s financial reports webpage.  

The Board of Directors of Davenport School District #207, Lincoln County, WA, will meet in a public meeting on Monday, July 29th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. in the High school Media Room at 801 7th street and online via webinar, for the purpose of adopting the 2024-25 budget and the four-year budget plan.  Any person may appear at this meeting and be heard for or against the adoption of the 2024-25 budget and four-year budget plan.  The webinar link will be posted on the district website at  

Any inquiries regarding this notice should be directed to Chad Prewitt, Superintendent, Davenport S.D. at (509) 725-1481.

Chad Prewitt

Secretary to the Board of Directors

Published July 18 and 25, 2024


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