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Looking Back

100 years ago

Charles Kildea, former Okanogan hotel man, completed a deal this week whereby he purchased the Lincoln Hotel in Davenport from Mrs. Anna Harris and Frank Harris. The new owner will take over the hotel Aug. 15th and expects to make a number of improvements immediately. The deal includes the Lincoln restaurant and soda fountain as well as the hotel business.

Extremely hot weather prevailed the past week. Thermometers in the area topped out at 98 degrees. A severe windstorm broke up the hot spell but the weather continued in the upper 80’s.

The flaming cross, emblem of the Klu Klux Klan appeared again on the hill just west of town. The firey emblem started about 10:00 p.m. and lasted about an hour. Like the one that burned there several weeks ago, it is not known whether this cross meant a real Klan initiation or was the work of jokers.

75 years ago

A rigid speed limit of 25 mph will be maintained on the new 4.5 miles of new road north of Odessa. County officials have no wish to arrest anyone but must demand that the speed limit be obeyed under penalty of arrest and prosecution.

The rural fire department was called to the south of town by word that a vehicle belonging to Arthur Haase was burning. Mr. Haase was driving home from a trip to town when fire broke out under the instrument panel.

The Davenport Grange Milling Company began to grind flour Monday after a two month long layoff. Orders came through from the company’s brokerage agent for flour which will be used for export to the Philippines.

50 years ago

A California man has purchased Lloyd’s Hardware. Dave Mandere and his wife who have 4 children have purchased a home near Davenport Grade School and will move to town very soon.

110 area youth were enrolled in the first session of swim lessons at the Davenport pool. Classes ranged from Senior Life Saving to Beginners. The second session will start next week as well as a class for adults.

Fifteen combines and 21 trucks were utilized at a recent Harvest Bee at the Harry Weber farm. 320 acres were finished by the early afternoon. A Fire truck, mechanic as well as fuel were also present in case they were needed.

25 years ago

The Davenport Police Civil Service Commission filed it’s decision ordering the reinstatement of Mike Sullivan after finding that his firing was not in good faith or for cause as required under law. In it’s finding the Commission found that the City didn’t follow its own departmental rules.

Reardan-Edwall School district hires four new teachers. New contracts were approved for Rick Perleberg- Vocational Agriculture, Barbara Haugen- Home and Family Life, Jason Colquhoun - High School Science, Kim Hansen – Junior and High School Science.

The first residential hook-ups to the new sewer system are to take place soon. Crews have been trenching for connections from the main into residences. Downtown will be the last portion of the city to be hooked up. This will be done after Deutschesfest.

10 years ago

•A windstorm ravaged some parts of Lincoln County but most of the damages were in Spokane county. Avista described the storm as the worst damage to the electric system since Ice Storm 1996.

At their regular meeting Odessa School Board hired Jamie Nelson as the new interim K-12 Principal. She will take over for Ken Schutz who has accepted a position at Ferris High School.

Lincoln County WA Lost and Found Pet Network together with Davenport Building Supply, Lincoln County Sheriff’s office and Davenport High School FFA members and members of the community came together to donate over 1000 pounds of dog and Cat food as well as a trailer load of hay to victims of the Carlton fire.


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