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Birthdays and Anniversaries

Davenport birthdays

Aug. 23: Rusty Warwick, Reklynn Todd

Aug. 24: Desirae Wagner, Quinton Withey, Scout


Aug. 25: Braxton Collins

Aug. 26: Alex Merserve, Cliff Anderson

Aug. 27: Brilee Sewall, Joshua Walker, Ellie Telford, Jimmy Cunningham

Aug. 28: Jody Howard, Irene Wilkie, Brock Gustaveson

Davenport anniversaries

Aug. 23: Matt and Kylee Balance

Aug. 25: Ken and Teresa Vesneske, Tyler and Kalah Dehn, Andrew and Janie Schreck

Aug. 26: Bo and Victoria Gunning, Ralph and Alice Nachtigal, Charley and Ginny Hein, Rolf and Heather Panke

Aug. 27: Colin and Rebecca Guhlke

Aug. 28: Rod and Penny Pankey,

Bruce and Dawn Dehn

Reardan birthdays

Aug. 22: Pat Hogan

Aug. 26: Peg Shipley

Aug. 27: Becky Gray, James Gray

Harrington birthdays

Aug. 23: Rylee Omlin, Debra Armstrong, Heather Slack, Jane Tee

Aug. 24: Scout Sewall, Desirae Wagner, Megan


Aug. 25: Parker Fischer

Aug. 26: Don Timm, Peyton Allen, Roger Scott

Aug. 27: Brilee Sewall, Lincoln Moos

Harrington anniversaries

Aug. 26: Rick and Max Becker

Aug. 27: Michael and Alexa Rosson, Colt and Lindsey Sanford

Aug. 28: LaMarr

and Susan Larmer

Odessa birthdays

Aug. 24: Ivoree Weber, Tim DeWulf

Aug. 27: Nancy Floethler

Aug. 28: Willie Bell, Amy Robins

Odessa anniversaries

Aug. 26: Tom and Teresa Scrupps, Kevin and

Stephanie Krieg


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