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Why wasn't the rest paved?

Those of us who drive Hawk Creek Road on a daily basis by necessity were grateful when Lincoln County paved about 5.5 miles of the road between Gunning Road and Miles-Creston Road in 2023.

We were mystified as to why the remaining 1.5 miles of the road were left unpaved, but we thought perhaps the County just could not find the money to finish the job.

Now, after the county has repaved the same 5.5 miles of the road, leaving the same 1.5-mile stretch in a dusty, washboarded state of dirt road, we don’t know what to think. If the county had funds to do more paving on Hawk Creek Road, why was a perfectly good stretch of pavement repaved and a dirty, dangerous mile-and-a-half portion ignored?

To us, this apparent misuse of county funds defies explanation and logic.

Can anyone explain it to us, the folks who drive it daily, or to the folks who live there, who have to breathe that dust every day?

Daniel Wright

Seven Bays


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