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Looking Back

100 years ago

Harrington defeated Odessa in the Football game played at Harrington by a score of 13-0. Superior plunging by the Harrington backs and the failure of the Odessa line to hold at the crucial moments tells the story of the game.

A Spokane man was arrested on the farm of D. M. Hickox for threatening the farmer with a rifle after Hickox ordered the man off his property. The Spokane man and a friend were hunting on the farmer’s property without permission. The hunter was brought before Justice J. P. Cruser in Reardan and given bond to appear the following week for trial.

Official announcement has been made from Washington D. C. that Harold D Miller has been appointed as Postmaster at Peach. Miller replaces Grover Kirby who moved away from the area.

75 years ago

Washington recorded a 24 percent drop over last year in the state’s 1949 wheat crop, but despite this moved up to fifth place in the nation’s wheat producing standing this year.

$700 worth of cigarettes and $100 worth of gum and candy was stolen from Safeway in Davenport after burglars gained entry into the building through a skylight.

Lester Luiten of Lamona, saw 13 doe deer while working in one of his wheat fields. Deer population of the area has been growing and this year several bucks have been killed within a few miles of town.

50 years ago

City Attorney Willard Zellmer suggested that the City of Davenport consider expanding it’s police department to a total of 3 officers. Understanding the additional expense, Zellmer suggests that it may be easier to keep officers if they were able to have more home and family time.

Gary Schulz recently received the highest award from FFA National President in Kansas City MO. Schulz received the American Farmer Degree, About 1 percent of FFA members receive this award that is given to members who have demonstrated exceptional agricultural and leadership abilities.

Odessa Chamber of Commerce presented a check for $4000 to the City of Odessa. The money was from Deutschesfest receipts to meet the $20,000 obligation assumed by the Chamber in the new community center building.

25 years ago

Davenport Lion’s Club members spent last Saturday spreading and compacting over a 100 yards of gravel at the Pioneer Plaza. The pathways will be ready for bricks in the spring when work on the Plaza resumes.

Undefeated Reardan Football put up 62 points to shut out Wilbur Creston. The Indians scored 29 points in the first quarter, including two touchdowns by Dave Wynecoop.

Odessa Lion’s Club is preparing for their fall blood drive. The Inland Northwest Blood center will be here from 11a.m. until 4 p.m. and the Lion’s hope to have at least 70 donors.

10 years ago

Christian Heritage School welcomes new Principal Brad Cain. Cain holds a master’s degree in educational administration and is working to develop new approaches that technology can facilitate students in their learning process.

The entire staff and student body recently posed for a photo wearing their new purple Titan t-shirts purchased by the Parent/Teacher Organization. They formed a large “T” in the gymnasium bleachers for the photo.

The Big Bend Community College Astronomy class invites the public to come view the partial solar eclipse through the various telescopes that have been fitted with filters for safe viewing.


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