Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!






No. 24-2-00067-22

In Re The Proceeding for Lincoln County For The Foreclosure Of Liens For Delinquent Real Property Taxes, Interest And Fees For The Years 2021-2024 & prior year

THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: MERLE ANYAN, heirs & devisees C/O RICHARD ANYAN, ESTHER ANYAN, heirs & devisees C/O RICHARD ANYAN, MERLE ANYAN, heirs & devisees C/O DOUG ANYAN, HAWK CREEK RANCHES C/O DANA GOLUCCI, ESTHER ANYAN, heirs & devisees C/O DOUG ANYAN, Edwall WATER ASSOCIATION, ELIZABETH D. TAYLOR, LEE AUER, FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE CO, US BANK ATTN: TAX DEPT, JAMES R. STOCKER, K C KIMBERLING, MARY RADAN, and City of Sprague, Lincoln County Washington, a municipal corporation, and each and every lot, tract, parcel and portion of the hereinafter described lands and tenements and each and every person, firm or corporation, known or unknown, if any, having or claiming to have lien, right, title, claim, interest or estate of any kind or nature whatsoever in or to the lands and tenements described in the application.

YOU AND EACH OF YOU are hereby notified that heretofore there was issued by the County Treasurer of Lincoln County, Washington, Amended Certificates of Delinquency upon the hereinafter described property, that said certificates are in book form and were filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of Lincoln County, Washington, on June 18, 2024.

That said certificates embrace the taxes legally existing against the following described real property for the year or years for which said property is delinquent, commencing with the taxes for the year 2021 and prior year, as hereinafter specifically set out, that the amount of each certificate being set forth in the column designated as the total amount of the county certificates is the amount of the taxes for the years 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024 and prior year, and the penalties, interest and costs attached thereto up to and including the 30th day of June, 2024, that the certificates were issued to Lincoln County, Washington on the 18th day of June, 2024.

That Lincoln County, Washington, is a municipal corporation, created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington; that the said municipal corporation is plaintiff herein, and is the owner and holder of said Certificates of Delinquency, and each and all of them, and the lien for taxes, penalties, interest and costs are included. Covered by and embraced in said certificates, and in each of them.

That the object of this proceeding is to foreclose the Certificates of Delinquency, and each and all of them; that the Complaint and Application for Judgment in this action has been filed with the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county; that more than three years have elapsed since the original date of delinquency of said taxes.

YOU, AND EACH OF YOU, are hereby directed and summoned to appear at the Lincoln County Treasurer’s Office within thirty days after the date of the publication of this Notice and Summons, exclusive of the date of the publication thereof, to wit: November 14, 2024, which is the date of the publication hereof, and answer the Application and Notice herein, and defend this action or pay the amount due on said certificate or certificates of delinquency, against any property of which you are the owner or in which you may have any interest according to law, together with the increased interest and costs herein.

YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that in case of your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you foreclosing said certificate or certificates of delinquency, and the liens of all subsequent taxes, penalties and interests according to RCW 84.56.020 from date of issuance of said certificate or certificates and all other court costs will be adjudicated against said land.

AND YOU AND EACH OF YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the taxes which have not been paid against said property for the years 2021 to and including the year 2024 and prior year will be included in said judgment with interest according to RCW 84.56.020.

The City of Sprague, Lincoln County, Washington, is a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington.

That the said municipal corporation may claim some lien or title in and to a portion of the hereinafter-described real property but that the lien of said plaintiff is a prior lien to the liens of any of the defendants above named, or all of them.

That the descriptions of the property and the amount of the certificate, interest and costs above referred to and the person or persons, firm or corporation to whom or to which said land is assessed on the tax rolls of the Treasurer of Lincoln County, record title holders and persons having a recorded interest or lien of record are described as follows, to wit:

As per Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by this reference.

YOU AND EACH OF YOU, WILL TAKE NOTICE that upon your failure to appear within thirty days after the first publication of this Summons and Notice and contest said action or pay the amounts due against said premises set out in said certificates, together with interest, costs and penalties, that the said Lincoln County, Washington, a municipal corporation, will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for Lincoln County for a judgment foreclosing the said lien against the property mentioned and described; any pleading or process may be served upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff at his address below given.

Dated this 23 day of October, 2024.


municipal corporation, plaintiff and owner and holder of said Certificates of Delinquency.

Emily Hansen

Lincoln County Treasurer


Prosecuting Attorney in and for Lincoln County, Washington and attorney for the above named plaintiff, P.O. Box 874, Davenport, WA 99122


Parcel # Last Name First Name TOTAL

0704031001000 STOCKER JAMES R $2,484.76

SITUS ADDRESS: 419 W 5TH ST, Sprague

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 1 & 2; Blk 31 First Railroad Addition City of Sprague

2338903000670 ANYAN MERLE $1,997.59


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: North half of lot 3 all of lots 5&6 and lot 4 excepting a tract described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of lot 4, thence running East 5 feet, thence South 14 feet, thence West 5 feet, thence North 14 feet to place of beginning. Also that portion of Lots 7&8 described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Lot 7, running thence South 55 feet, thence West 4 feet, thence North 45 feet, thence West 6 feet, thence North 10 feet thence East 10 feet to point of beginning all located in Block 7 of Hotchkiss Addition to Edwall according to plat thereof recorded in Book “A” of Plats page 127 records of Lincoln County Washington.

2636800024900 TAYLOR ELIZABETH D $894.09


LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Tract 209 of Hawk Creek Ranches Segregation Survey Area No 1 as recorded in Book “A” of Plats, page, 242, 243 & 244 records of Lincoln County, Washington SEC 18 TWP 26N RNG 36 EWM

2639035200010 AUER LEE $393.06

LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Pt SWNW of Sec 35 TWP 26N RNG 39 EWM Situate in the County of Lincoln State of Washington

Published November 14, 2024


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Rendered 12/27/2024 08:56