Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!
100 years ago
Election day is coming for Davenport. The offices of Mayor, Councilman at large and Councilmen from each of the three wards, Treasurer, Clerk and Attorney will all be voted on.
3 Harrington dogs were bitten by a rabid coyote. A dog owned by Charles McMillan and two dogs owned by Henry Hoffman were put to sleep after being attacked and bitten by the rabid coyote.
75 years ago
The Odessa Union Warehouse company mailed out dividend checks totaling $120,149.88 to approximately 600 shareholders. This brings the total dividend payments by the company this year to over a million dollars.
Two men who robbed the Clinton service station in Reardan were sentenced to 5 years each in the state penitentiary. Originally sentenced to 20 years each the sentence was reduced to 5 years by the state parole board.
50 years ago
2200 pounds of turkey was distributed by The Odessa Lions Turkey carnival. A total of 193 birds were awarded to winners at a variety of events.
The Tri-County Special Education Program has hired a speech therapist to work in Lincoln County Schools. Therapist Debbie Maston has found the people to friendly and the teachers willing to work with her.
25 years ago
22 Odessa students are included in the 33rd edition of Who’s Who Among American High School students. Students are nominated for this honor by principals and guidance counselors based on grades and activities.
Jim Stinson is back at the helm, coaching the Davenport High School girls basketball team. After a four year hiatus from coaching Stinson says “It’s going to take a while, but I’m very encouraged and having a great time.”
10 years ago
Negotiations between the City of Davenport and the Davenport School board continue. The price of $4877 in 2015 and increasing 3% per year for the Sports complex and Jahn field has been agreed upon but there are maintenance and upkeep as well as some language issues to be worked out.
Odessa High School FBLA and the Lincoln County EDC are teaming up to host a career fair with an emphasis on rural career opportunities. High School students from all areas are welcome to attend.
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