100 years ago
Four cases of scarlet fever are reported in the Harrington schools. All are in the first grade, which has been dismissed until after Christmas. The school board expects to have a nurse checking every child, every day until the epidemic ends.
Farmer’s Union Warehouse company manger reports that although wheat has reached the highest price it has been in years, the eight warehouses had bought practically no wheat since last month. Area farmers still have wheat in storage but are waiting for a better price. Current price is $1.68.
The nephew of Matt Foehr has arrived in Davenport after leaving Emmindingen Germany. The 15 year old made the trip alone. His journey involved an Atlantic Ocean crossing and a cross country train trip.
75 years ago
Burglars invaded Odessa High School through an unlocked window in the auditorium. The Principal and Superintendent offices were ransacked and $73 was taken that belonged to one of the classes.
Postmaster J. J. Peak reminds postal customers that stamps are now 2 cents for unsealed cards. This is up from last year’s one and a half cent stamps.
At their recent meeting the executive committee of the Spring Creek Grange reported that the price of a new furnace is too high and so is a new oil stove. Members voted to retain the current system and build a new fuel shed.
50 years ago
Local Police Chief Tom Edwards says he will start enforcing the curfew for Davenport youth. The curfew is 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and Midnight on Friday and Saturdays. First offenders will be given a verbal warning.
Reardan City Council was informed at their recent meeting about a rat problem at the city dump including a graphic demonstration of a live rat in a trap brought in by Fred Fleming. The city decided to call for an exterminator.
Washington Wheat Growers celebrated their 20 year anniversary at the recent annual convention at the Ridpath. U.S. Congressman Tom Foley was a featured speaker.
25 years ago
Davenport City Council is looking at an imminent moratorium on sewer hook ups until a solution to the overwhelmed system can be found. The city will be looking into permission to pipe treated effluent into Cottonwood creek in the meantime.
Harrington Elementary students are using their creative talents to decorate a Christmas tree to be auctioned off during a dinner hosted by the Lions Club, Opera House Society and Chamber of Commerce.
Ryan Coleman received the Wendy’s Heisman Washington State Award and is in the running for the National award for high school students. Mandy Hardung of Odessa High School was also nominated.
10 years ago
2010 Odessa High graduate Zack Powell helped designing both the crew module and the service module for the upcoming Orion spacecraft. Powell graduated from Colorado School of Mines and is employed by Lockheed Martin.
Davenport City Council hopes that increasing compensation for Council member will help attract more candidates as well as a broader age range and the Fire Department is looking for three new fireman to replace retiring members.
Lincoln County Commissioners are facing a $260,000 budget gap for 2015. Revenue is down in the Clerk’s office since less divorce filings are happening. Commissioners are interested in reversing this trend and seeing an increase in divorce filings.
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