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Looking Back

100 years ago

Mrs. Jennie O’Bell Young, former postmistress at Rocklyn was placed under arrest for a secret federal indictment on a charge of embezzlement. She is charged with taking $800. Mrs. O’Bell Young and her husband are set to appear for trial next month for arson regarding the fire of the Rocklyn store.

Washington State has seen rapid growth in the number of licensed automobiles. As of the end of 1910 there were only 4,547 licensed vehicles and at the end of 1924 there are 307,658.

The Odessa High School Varsity basketball team has challenged the members of the local alumni to a game. There are a number of alumni home for the holiday and the school team is the best its been in years. This game promises to be a good one to go and see.

75 years ago

Dial telephones went into service in Odessa last week. A long distance call was made by Mayor John Scrupps. The new telephone system brings service to 106 rural homes that previously had no phone service. Dial 3333 for Fire.

The Social Security Tax on wages goes up January 1 to 1.5 cents. This is an increase from the current 1 cent rate. This increase applies to what employers must pay also.

Grange Milling Company of Davenport is once again grinding flour for orders to be shipped east. Currently one shift is running but the increase in orders may necessitate running 24 hours a day.

50 years ago

The Odessa Chamber of Commerce learned at their recent meeting that the FHA wants the Golf course deeded back to them. The FHA officials have indicated that they would accept $40,000 instead of having the deed returned to them.

A defective natural gas heater was deemed the cause of a fire at the Holman home in Davenport. The fire broke out between the walls in the dining room.

25 years ago

Davenport’s Mayor Ed Hendrickson has served at his last council meeting. He was defeated by Councilman Chuck Johnston in the election last November. Hendrickson has served 3 non-consecutive terms as Mayor

The Odessa Town Council recently adopted a $5,704,194 budget for 2000, the second largest in Odessa history. The budget is swollen due to the ongoing sewer project.

10 years ago

Planning is on track for the Odessa Chamber’s New Year’s Eve event. The theme is “A Night at the Oscars.” Food will be provided through the Chamber since no vendors responded to a request for bids.

Davenport school board members approved an application for state funding to help address mechanical failures involving the high school boiler and air conditioner system.


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