Hutsell and Gilchrist take on next four years
DAVENPORT - Two Lincoln County Commissioners, Scott Hutsell and Jo Gilchrist, were officially sworn into their elected positions during a ceremony at the Lincoln County Courthouse, with Superior Court Judge Barkdull overseeing the proceedings.
Gilchrist, who was appointed in 2023 following the retirement of Commissioner Mark Stedman, ran for and secured a full four-year term this year.
"I ran alongside Scott Huttsell, and now I'm excited to begin my full term. Scott is beginning his fifth term as commissioner, and there are only a few commissioners in their fifth term," said Gilchrist. "I couldn't be with a better group."
Hutsell's re-election marks his fifth term in office, a milestone in his long service to the community.
"It is definitely an honor and a privilege to serve the citizens of the county for that time. I am looking forward to the next four years," Huttsell shared. "I am the second Lincoln County commissioner to be sworn into their fifth term. Lauren Moose was my predecessor. I have great seatmates with Rob and Jo, and great people to work with in Lincoln County, which makes my job a lot easier."
Although Hutsell and Gilchrist took their oaths together, fellow elected officials Adam Walser and Ty Albertson are still finalizing the date for their swearing-in ceremonies.
Walser, who won the bid for Superior Court Judge, and Albertson, who will take over from Walser as Prosecuting Attorney, are expected to be sworn in either alongside the commissioners or shortly after the New Year.
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