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Avista to begin Lake Spokane drawdown

Controlling aquatic invasive weeds

SPOKANE — Avista will begin lowering Lake Spokane, the reservoir formed by Long Lake Dam, starting Monday, Jan.6, depending on weather and river conditions.

The reservoir is expected to drop by up to one foot per day, with a total drawdown of 13 to 14 feet below summer levels. The process will last three to six weeks, depending on precipitation and river flow.

The drawdown aims to help control invasive aquatic weeds, including Eurasian watermilfoil if weather conditions allow.

Sustained cold temperatures and limited snowfall are necessary for the effort to be effective.

The lowered water levels will allow shoreline property owners to complete approved repairs and construction projects.

Avista advised property owners to prepare by removing boats and securing docks and boathouses to prevent damage caused by shifting ice and low water.

Floating docks are less likely to be damaged but should still be monitored.

Water levels may change unexpectedly due to weather events or maintenance at Long Lake Dam.

Lake users are encouraged to stay alert and prioritize safety.

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Managing Editor

Author photo

Olivia Harnack is the award-winning managing editor/photographer/videographer/columnist at the Lincoln County Record-Times, with offices in both Davenport and Odessa, Wash. She is a University of Idaho graduate and a U.S. Army National Guardsman.


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