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Make turbine decisions locally

The Innovia Foundation recently announced the first round of Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho communities selected for the Community Heart and Soul Initiative. Pomeroy was chosen among seven other small towns in our region. Congratulations on being included in this important work!

Innovia’s mission for Pomeroy is to empower people to shape the future of their community by improving local decision making, creating a sense of shared belonging, and ultimately strengthening the social, cultural, and economic vibrancy of our small town. They will be walking side by side with Pomeroy for the next two years.

It could not have arrived at a better time.

Pomeroy is embroiled in conflict over land use decisions, and desperately needs time to take advantage of the Heart and Soul Initiative grant. County commissioners feel forced to rush to a decision, without allowing the community time to identify what matters most, reflect on what they love about their town, and develop a future they want and create a plan to achieve it.

Massive industrial developments in small communities render the locals powerless to confront the situation. Facing the power of government, and well financed and subsidized global corporations, it’s like David and Goliath.

In an effort to restore a balance of power, my first bill was heard in the House Environment and Energy Committee on Monday, Jan. 20.

My proposal, House Bill 1188, gives local communities more say in large renewable energy projects. Whether a developer chooses to permit through the county conditional use process or the state’s expedited siting process, our elected county commissioners, not the governor, get the final say.

Before the public hearing, 85 citizens signed in support of the bill, with 27 signing in against it.

A second proposal, House Bill 1237, was also heard that day. In contrast to my proposal, local concerns are all but irrelevant in the siting of energy generation facilities in our community. It further makes permitting easier and faster, giving the governor the final say through the Energy Facility Siting Evaluation Council.

Thirty-seven citizens signed in support, with 273 signing in against and seven signing in “other,” making the public’s opinion fairly obvious.

On Thursday, Jan. 23, in the same committee (of which I serve as ranking Republican), we debated an expansion of the State Environmental Policy Act, a formidable process for permitting any new development. Proposed changes would consider environmental justice for communities identified as being negatively impacted by excessive pollution from industry.

Considering communities such as Pomeroy, where vast areas are proposed for industrialization in our agricultural zone, there is no protection for the environmental injustice of wind and solar developments. Clearly there is a double standard.

The push for wind and solar energy is breaking the spirit of our rural communities, tearing long held friendships and families apart, and stealing the value of our land and wind resources, which will ultimately impoverish our small towns.

I am grateful for the support on my bill from my friends, including the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, Benton County PUD, Downtown Pullman Association, Pullman Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce, Save the Palouse, Tri-Cities Cares, the Washington Association of Counties, Voices for Rural Action, and the Yakama Nation. Along with them, many individual citizens, such as Sue Lani Madsen with the Washington Rural Environmental Network, signed in and testified both in person and remotely.

Our voices were heard, but whether it will matter has yet to be seen.

— Rep. Mary Dye, R-Pomeroy, represents the 9th Legislative District, including Whitman and portions of Franklin, Adams and Spokane Counties.


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