Hospital staff seeks representation
ODESSA — Teamsters Local 690 has filed a petition with the Public Employment Relations Commission to organize a bargaining unit at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center.
The proposed unit would include all regular full-time and part-time registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and certified nursing assistants working at the facility.
The petition, submitted on March 13, marks the first time a unionization effort has been made at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center.
The bargaining unit would encompass 17 employees, according to documents filed with PERC.
“This petition seeks to recognize that particular group of employees,” said PERC Executive Director Mike Sellars. “When public employees want to be represented, it is typically a union that files the petition. They must gather interest cards signed by at least 30% of the employees who want representation, either electronically or physically.”
Each showing of interest card must include the employee’s printed name, signature, and the date it was signed. It must also contain a statement that the employee designates the named labor organization as their exclusive bargaining representative for purposes of collective bargaining. Additionally, it must state that the employee’s signature may be used as a “yes” vote for purposes of a card check election, and that a secret ballot election may not occur. It must also state that the employee has the right to ask PERC to revoke their signature card for purposes of a card check.
When the petition is complete, an assigned administrator may use a combination of phone, email, and videoconference to discuss representation cases and verify that the parties agree on several key questions, including whether PERC has jurisdiction, whether the labor organization is qualified under the statute, whether the petition is timely, and whether any unfair labor practice complaints could block the processing of the petition.
The administrator also verifies that the proposed bargaining unit is appropriate under the statute, whether there are any changes to the bargaining unit description, and whether the eligibility list is correct.
If the parties agree, PERC will conduct a card check or election. The employer must post notices in the workplace with card check or election details. If the parties do not agree, additional proceedings may be conducted.
Hearings are currently held via videoconference, and PERC uses a Dropbox account to facilitate the exchange of exhibits. A pre-hearing conference is generally scheduled to address logistics, including videoconference and file-sharing setup.
When more than 50% of employees sign showing of interest cards, a card check is conducted and no ballots are sent to employees. PERC uses the showing of interest cards, submitted with a declaration of authenticity, to conduct a card check by comparing the number of valid cards against the final, agreed-upon eligibility list.
Employees may revoke or withdraw their showing of interest cards by submitting a signed written request to PERC. The employer’s posted notices will indicate the withdrawal deadline. Once the employment records are received, the card check tally is conducted, and the results are sent to the representatives on the case.
“We are at the beginning of this process,” Sellars said. “Assuming there are no disputes, our goal is to complete an election or card check within 45 days of filing.”
Brett Antczak, CEO of Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center, and Adam Jackson, organizer and business agent for Teamsters Local 690, are listed as representatives for the employer and the union, respectively.
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